Notification and delivery


Users will receive an email when their materials are ready for pick up. Users have the following options for receiving physical items:

  • Hold at Parks Library
  • Hold at Veterinary Medicine (Vet Med) Library
  • Mailing

If picking up at either Parks or Vet Med, the requesting patron can appoint someone else to pick up the item and sign for it, but the patron is still responsible for its safe and timely return.

Patrons choosing to have items sent to them have the following options:

  • Address more than 25 miles from Ames -no charge

    ISU students living in the continental U.S., Hawaii, and Alaska will receive pre-paid FedEx shipping to and from the library with the submission of a street address. ISU students living in Canada and Mexico can receive international shipping via DHL, but will need to return at their own expense. All other international students should contact the ILL office at to request more information.

    All other patrons will receive items via 1st class mail, and will be responsible for returning items at their own cost.

  • Address less than 25 miles from Ames - $5.00 for all patrons.


Articles, book chapters, and other short pieces requested through ILL are typically delivered electronically to the user's ILLiad account. Users will be notified by email when the item arrives. Electronic documents are kept for a limited time, so please save them if you would like to refer to them again. When ILL receives a paper copy of an article, it will generally be scanned and provided electronically. If copyright statues prevent scanning, however, users will receive the item via their selected delivery choice for loans (Parks Library, Vet Med Library, or mailed).

  • Last Updated Nov 13, 2024
  • Views 146
  • Answered By Miranda Cantrell

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