OpenAthens Login?

What is OpenAthens UserID?
It is your email address on file at the library.

Who should use OpenAthens to login?
Anyone with no Net-ID but qualifies as a Retiree (not emeritus), Affiliate, or is under the "Alumni and Others" section on this Borrowing Privileges page.

Can OpenAthens users have remote access to library resources?
No, any paid electronic resources are remotely accessible to only users with ACTIVE Net-ID.

How do I login with my OpenAthens UserID?
Step 1: Clicking on the OpenAthens choice (See Figure 1)
Step 2: Select OpenAthens choice (See Figure 2 - Click link and scroll down)
Step 3: Enter your OpenAthens userid (email address) and password (See Figure 3 - Click link and scroll down)


  • Last Updated Apr 24, 2023
  • Views 70
  • Answered By Charles Yier

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