How do I see what I have checked out and when it's due?


What do I have checked out?

You can view a list of your checked out books, and their due dates, by logging into your Library Card account. Do this by clicking My Library Card (upper right hand corner) and logging in.


Books can be renewed online through My Library Card as long as they are not overdue or have been recalled. Once logged into My Library Card, select specific items to renew, or click the Renew All button.

If your item is overdue and you need to renew it, please contact the library the item was checked out from: Parks Library or Vet Med Library.

Interlibrary Loan (ILL)

Interlibrary Loan books cannot be renewed from My Library Card, you will need to log in to ILLiad to make an ILL renewal request. The length of time an ILL book may be kept is up to the lending library and is clearly marked on the checkout slip attached to the front cover of the volume.

  • Last Updated Nov 07, 2024
  • Views 254
  • Answered By Dawn Mick

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