Where can I find industry standards?
The bulk of the ISU Library-owned standards are located in the Standards Center, Room 161, Parks Library. Check Quick Search for the title or standard number to see if we own a particular standard before going to the Standards Center. If you need assistance locating standards, or the Standards Center, please ask at the Main Desk.
ANSI standards
The ISU Library does not own copies of all ANSI standards; however, the Library maintains a large collection of ANSI standards (both current and historical) in the Standards Center in Room 161. Standards are in filing cabinets in order by ANSI number.
ASME standards
ISU researchers can access read-only versions of current ASME standards, including the Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code, via ASME Digital Collection.
Many older ASME standards are available in print format in the Standards Center in Room 161. Older editions of the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code can also be found in the General Collection.
ASTM standards
ASTM standards are available to ISU researchers in electronic format via ASTM Compass. Older ASTM standards are located in the Parks Library General Collection in a large set called Annual Book of ASTM Standards (call number: TA405 .Am35a).
ISO standards
A few ISO standards are available in the Standards Center. The ISU Library also has reprints of some ISO standards as part of a series called ISO Standards Handbook. To see which volumes we own in the series, search Quick Search for "ISO standards handbook" (with the quotation marks).
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