How do I access New York Times full-text?


Campus-wide access to the New York Times requires a NYT account. Users must re-validate their account each calendar year.

  1. Visit:
  2. Login to your existing NYT account or create a new account with your email
    • Select your affiliation to the university (defaults to student)
    • An email will be sent to your ISU email with a link to validate access for one year
  3. Click on the blue "Go to" tab to access the site

*If you are using the new ISU Login dashboard, simply use the "Add apps" tab to add the New York Times app to your dashboard for quick access. Access through Okta will no longer work.

Having trouble signing in?

If it won't let you sign in with your university email address, try selecting the "login without password" option. That will prompt a link to be sent to your email which you can then click to access your NYT account. Please note that the email might come as junk mail so you should check there if you can't see it in your inbox.

NOTE: If you registered for a NYTimes account during the prior year you will need to wait until that account lapses before re-validating using the ISU Library account registration link.

To find past issues, see Find Newspapers Guide for access options

  • Last Updated Oct 30, 2024
  • Views 5699
  • Answered By Charles Yier

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