How much does printing cost at the library?


Printing one page in black and white anywhere on campus costs 5¢ (5 units) while printing in color at Parks is 25¢ (25 units) per page.

Students can find out how many printing units they have by logging into PaperCut.

Members of the general public can pay in cash for black and white printing by printing to the photocopier. Instructions on how to print using the photocopier, and how to pay, are posted above the copier which is located on the first floor in the Learning Connections Center.

More about printing and PaperCut

Student technology fees fund a $5.00 per semester (or 500 units) print allowance for all students. Each printed page costs five units. Some colleges will continue to provide additional credits above this allocation, so check with your college to know your total print credits for the semester. Additional printing, beyond your print allowance, will be billed to your U-Bill at a minimum of $1.00/month.

To see the costs for printing in each lab/building - visit the Computer Labs page and search by building.

Before you print, please consider alternative technologies. You can scan and email PDFs to yourself using scanners at the library and share documents online through CyBox and Google Docs. Ask your professors about submitting assignments online. Please be aware of how much paper you use, and consider other options to printing.

  • Last Updated Dec 16, 2019
  • Views 984
  • Answered By Jeffrey Kushkowski

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