Where is the Iowa State University Press?


The Iowa State University Press no longer exists as a separate entity. The Press merged with Blackwell Science Publishing in 2000 and then it was acquired by Wiley in 2007. Books published after 2000 still have the ISU Press imprint, but are not published in Ames.

The University Library owns copies of most, but not all, of the books printed by the press; however, they do not hold the copyright for books printed by the Iowa State University Press.

Are you looking for the ISU Digital Press? The University Library established the Iowa State University Digital Press in 2018. This is an open access digital successor to the original press and is operated by the University Library.


There were a lot of variations in the name of the press over time: Collegiate Press (1924-1946), Iowa State College Press (1946-1959), Iowa State University Press (1959-present). Several sources erroneously list the ISU Press as starting in 1934, when this was just the year they began their major foray into book publishing. There were also 2 books published (in 1927 and 1928) when it was called Collegiate Press. For more information about the Press, see A History of the Iowa State University Press, by Russell Kaniuka in 1961 (an unpublished Master's thesis, Iowa State University).


  • Last Updated Apr 08, 2024
  • Views 1276
  • Answered By Jeffrey Kushkowski

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